Beginner’s Yoga

  • An Easy Way to Feel Better

    An Easy Way to Feel Better

    Remember how you felt after your last yoga class? During the final moments with your eyes closed, you felt a sense of serenity and enjoyed a quiet mind. You felt a real sense of home as you cared for yourself during your yoga practice. “Why can’t I feel this ALL the time!?” is a thought…

  • The Full Moon and Self Gratitude

    The Full Moon and Self Gratitude

    Hey fellow traveler, As we continue our journey of harnessing the cosmic energy and embracing the magic of the Moon and its phases, it’s essential to pause for a moment and celebrate how far we’ve come. In the pursuit of our intentions and dreams, it’s all too easy to get swept up in the current…

  • Setting Intentions with the New Moon

    Setting Intentions with the New Moon

    Good evening fellow travelers! I want to share with you a profound source of inspiration for creating lasting change in our lives: the enchanting dance of the New Moon. Just like the moon gracefully transitions from darkness to a luminous glow, so too can we harness its energy to shed old habits and welcome new…

  • Create your perfect morning practice

    Create your perfect morning practice

    Hello dreamer! Picture this: you wake up and your mind is clear, your heart is open, and you’re ready to take on whatever the world throws your way. Sounds pretty amazing, right? It is possible for you to wake up feeling this way every day. Life can get busy, and sometimes it feels like you’re…

  • Harnessing the Power of Breath

    Harnessing the Power of Breath

    Hey fellow traveler, In the quest for a purposeful life, we often search for external solutions and strategies. However, the key to unlocking our true potential lies within us, in the simple act of breathing. Breathwork, an ancient practice embedded in the heart of yoga therapy, offers a transformative pathway towards purpose and self-discovery. (Post…

  • Feel at Home in your Body

    Feel at Home in your Body

    Have you ever felt out of place? Sometimes we don’t know we are disconnected from our body until we make an effort to connect with it. Maybe you feel as if you belong on another planet, or that this life is not meant to be yours. You may feel the need to make big changes…

  • Find Your Way to Inner Peace and Self-Discovery with Yoga

    Find Your Way to Inner Peace and Self-Discovery with Yoga

    Are you feeling lost or disconnected from yourself? Yoga can be a powerful tool for finding your way back to your true self and cultivating a sense of inner peace and purpose. What is Yoga? Yoga is a holistic practice that combines physical postures, breathing techniques, and mindfulness meditation. It has roots in ancient Indian…

  • Creating the Life of your Dreams and Preventing Burnout

    Creating the Life of your Dreams and Preventing Burnout

    Have you ever felt the need to make BIG changes in your life? You might feel so excited and ready for change that you are ready to hit the ground running into your new life– and you want to do it right now. You may have tried this before only to get burned out some…

  • Yoga Affirmations for Beginners

    Yoga Affirmations for Beginners

    Picture this: It is one of your first times practicing yoga. You are excited and a bit nervous. You aren’t quite sure what to expect but you have heard about the benefits of yoga from others. As the class begins, you put your foot here, twist a bit there, and you try your darndest to…

  • Using Movement to be Present

    Using Movement to be Present

    Have you ever felt lost in your own head? I’m sure you have been there before; your thoughts keep coming into your head and it’s exhausting you. You want them to stop but you don’t know how. Maybe you are trying to sleep and experiences and conversations you have had throughout your day are keeping…